Saturday, 5 September 2020

Inquiry on How to Change your Facebook Password?

Want to reset your Facebook password? With the news of people's account been hacked these days, the only solution is to change your password and this time around to a stronger one.

How to Identify a Strong Password
A password that is not easy to guess or affected by brute force attack is regarded as a strong password, these features strengthens your password:
  1. A password that is of considerable long length
  2. The use of Alpha numeric character and symbols in your password
  3. Use of non English words or dictionary words
  4. Changing the password regularly
All the points stated above are what actually makes a password strong, so let's put you through how you can easily change your FB account password
Read: How to view Facebook Pokes

How to change Facebook Password easily

To adjust your Facebook password, follow these steps:
  • Launch your internet browser and navigate to Facebook.
  • Log into your account (if you are not currently logged in).
  • Locate the three horizontal lines at the top right corner of the page and click "Account Settings".
  • Then choose "Security and login" option in the security section
  • Click on "Change Password" and you will be able to alter your password
  • You will be provided with three input fields, one to state your old passowrd (current passowrd) and the last two to enter your new password and retype the new password respectively.
  • After this, click on "Save Changes" to save your new FB password.
Note: When you have successfully changed your password you will be asked if you wish to sign out from all devices in which you are currently logged in, it is recommended to mark this box and perform the action, then you will be required to login to your account with your new password.
I can't believe as I write this article, I was actually inspired to change my Facebook password, that's the power of security, well those who cherish their accounts and feels they are not ready to lose it understands best.
Kindly apply the simple steps stated in this article and share with your friends to help them easily modify their Facebook password. Thank you.

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