Friday 18 September 2020

How to Instantly Delete Your Disabled Facebook Account

 How to Instantly Delete Your Disabled Facebook Account: Facebook is a social media network site known by all for its effectiveness in connecting lots of people across the globe, it is also seen as the fastest way to get in touch with people from far continents. All these are some of the advantages of Facebook, but we all also know that what has an advantage also has at least a disadvantage and one of the major disadvantage of Facebook the rate at which it consume users’ time, one can surf Facebook for hours without gaining a tangible thing from it. 


Over the years, various complains has arouse due to users’ privacy which some users feels they prefer, many users’ profile are not well protected and are source of information to unwanted stalkers, these may be some reasons that activated hatred for Facebook in the mind of some users but nevertheless, you have two choice to make if you find yourself in this same situation; you can either temporary disable your account or permanently delete your account. Whichever one you pick, below are the steps to take in order to achieve your desires; 
Check out: Facebook Sign up new account
To Temporary Disable your account 

Before I start up the steps involved in disabling a Facebook account, it is neccesary you know exactly what is at stake when you disable the account. First, it will hide the account/profile from all other Facebook users, it will also hide all your pictures and videos in a safe location where it can be easily retrieved and finally, if you intend to reactivate your account, it is done simply by logging in using your Facebook Login details. 

  • Now here are the steps to take in order to disable a Facebook account;
  • On your Facebook page click the down-pointing arrow in the top-right corner of the display
  • Click Settings
  • Open the Security section
  • Finally, select the Deactivate Your Account option at the bottom of the menu

And that’s all. 

To Permanently Delete your account 

This action is very crucial and irreversible, it should be well considered before making the decision. Though Facebook has given users opportunity to reverse their action for 90 days, anything after that is a goodbye, all your pictures and videos will be permanently deleted. But you can as well download a copy of your Facebook data into your device so you won’t have to loss them, to do this, simply click the downwards-pointing arrow in the top-right corner of the display and then select Download a copy of your Facebook data from the options, your data will then be downloaded in your device storage location. 
See also: How to cancel Facebook Notification
Below are the steps to permanently delete a Facebook account: 
If you do not login within the next 90days, then your account will be permanently deleted. To access Facebook again, you will have to create a brand new account with your mobile number or your email account. 

I believed this was helpful in deleting and disabling your Facebook account? Kindly help to share this with all your contact. 

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