Tuesday, 15 September 2020

How to Delete a Post on my Facebook Page

How to Delete a Post on my Facebook Page: On Facebook platform, whenever you send a post from your account, either to your timeline or in response to someone else’s post, you can either delete the shared post or hide it from public view or totally from your friends.

The difference in between hiding as well as erasing a Facebook post is, Hiding a post will remove it from your Facebook's Timeline and not from your Facebook's activity log but if you delete a Facebook post, you've completely removed it from your FB Page, including your Facebook Web page's activity log.
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How to Delete a Post on my Facebook Page 
To easily hide or delete a post on your Facebook account follow these actions:
  • Ensure you are signed into your Facebook account
  • From your account, go to the post on your Page's Timeline
  • Click in the top-right corner
  • Select Hide from Timeline or Delete
How then can I Unhide a Post I have Concealed
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Given you’ve concealed a particular FB Post and you change your mind and wish to unhide it, follow these actions from your Facebook profile.
  • Click Settings on top of your Facebook Page.
  • Click Activity Log in the left column.
  • Locate the post you wish to unhide and Click next, then choose Permitted on Web page.
These are just another dimension to Facebook’s privacy abilities. I hope this article on How do I Delete a Post on my Facebook Page was helpful?

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