Sunday 6 September 2020

Facebook New Avatar Feature – Facebook Avatar 2020 | Facebook New Avatar Update 2020

The Facebook new avatar feature is a trending topic on the internet right now and I decided to write about it. A lot of people still don’t know about this feature but it would become popular very soon. The Facebook avatar feature is a bit like emoji introduced to the Facebook platform. This was introduced so that Facebook would get closer to Snapchat. The Facebook avatar feature is still rolling out which means it may not be accessible to you at the moment. But in a few months, it should be accessible to everyone. Are the Facebook avatars all over your newsfeed and you don’t know how to make yours? Well, this article is for you.
Facebook New Avatar Feature
Facebook New Avatar Feature
Just like the Facebook dating feature, the Facebook new avatar feature can be accessed from the menu on the Facebook app. Note that you must be using the latest version of Facebook before you can get access to this feature. In this article, I would be showing you how to update your Facebook app and then creating your own emoji on Facebook. Facebook avatar is Facebook’s own version of bitmoji avatars. This feature was launched in April and it lets you create a character of choice. Most people create characters that resemble them so they can use it during conversations for expressions or reactions. Facebook avatars are really fun to use and get familiar with.

Facebook New Avatar

The Facebook new avatar can also be used in place of your profile photo. This feature is very similar to that of Snapchat. The avatars created on this platform can also be used in text messages and conversations on your phone. You can also share the avatar stickers in applications like Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. The Facebook new avatar can be created on either android or iOS devices. The avatars are basically free to create and don’t need any special application to get started. All you need is right on the Facebook platform. I am sure that you would agree with me that most of our conversation on social media these days is done with emoji and stickers.

Facebook New Features

There are lots of features that are being rolled out on the Facebook platform lately. First, we hear of the Facebook dating feature, next, we hear of the Facebook “care” feature and now we are hearing of the Facebook avatar feature. Most of these features are not accessible to some people probably because of their current location. The feature may have not been rolled out in that location.

Facebook New Avatar Update 2020

There has been a lot of updates on Facebook in the year 2020. I think more updates would still be coming up sooner or later. In case you don’t know, Facebook has released a new layout for their platform. Now, this layout is not accessible to everyone but I still don’t know the reason. One of my newer accounts has the new layout but an old one doesn’t have it. If it is not accessible to you, it would in the future. I suggest you bookmark our site or you subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated as we would keep writing about these updates.
Facebook Avatar Creator
The Facebook avatar creator is a section on the Facebook app that can be used to create avatars for Facebook. Like I said before, it is more like a feature and it is not rolled out to everyone yet. If you are having issues finding the Facebook avatar creator, it means it’s not available to you right now. Later on, in this article, I would show you how to create avatars and how to access the Facebook avatar creator.

Facebook Avatar Creator Apps

There is no special app for creating an avatar on Facebook as the Facebook avatar creator is a feature on the Facebook app. This basically means that the Facebook avatar creator app is Facebook itself. Now, Facebook Messenger can also be used to create a Facebook avatar. So, the Facebook avatar creator apps are Facebook itself and Facebook messenger. I would be showing you how to create an avatar with each of the apps later on. Keep reading if you want to know it. If you are in countries like the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, then you should not have any issues accessing the avatar creator feature.

How to Create Facebook Avatar on Facebook Messenger

It is pretty easy when it comes to creating a Facebook avatar using the Facebook messenger application. Follow the steps below to create a Facebook avatar using Facebook messenger.
  • Before we get started, you should know that this would only work if you are using the latest version of Facebook messenger. Before we get started, go to the google play store or iOS store and update your Facebook messenger app.
  • After updating the app, launch the new Facebook messenger app and open any conversation.
  • Just beside the section for you to type your text, select the sticker action.
  • You would see an option that says “Make Your Avatar” if the feature has been rolled out to you.
  • Click on it and start customizing your own avatar.
Now, you would begin your customization from the face and gradually move to outfit and overall body.
How to Create Facebook Avatar on Facebook
Using the Facebook app to create a Facebook avatar is quite different from Facebook messenger. Follow the steps below to create a Facebook avatar using the Facebook app.
  • Before we get started, I want you to make sure you’ve updated your Facebook app to the latest version.
  • Next, open Facebook and log in using your Facebook account.
  • Hit the menu icon at the top right corner of the Facebook app.
  • Click on the “See More” option.
  • From the new options on the “see more” menu, click on “Avatars”.
  • Read through the new page and click on “Next”.
  • Click on “Get Started”.
  • Now, you can start customizing your own Facebook avatar. You would begin with face and skin color. There are about twenty-seven different options for skin tone.
  • After selecting a skin tone, you can now choose a hairstyle.
  • Next, select the height of the hair. After selecting the height, choose the color for the hair.
  • You can now move to customize your avatar’s face where you can choose the shape, face lines, and complexions.
  • After you’ve successfully finished customizing your face, you can now move to customize your eye. Do this by clicking on the eye icon. Select a shape for your eyelash length and color. You also have options to edit your eyebrows. Select a shape and color. You can also add glasses if it suits you.
  • Next up is customizing your nose and mouth. First off, select a shape for your nose and move down to your lips shape. Note that you can also add facial hair and color to your lips.
  • Last but not the least, choose a body shape and an outfit that you like. You can also add scarfs, cat ears, or even hats to your avatar’s outfit.
After you’ve finished customizing your avatar, tap the “Next” icon and later then click on “Done”. Once you’re through, you now have a Facebook avatar that you can share with your friends.

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