Sunday 6 September 2020

Facebook Audit – Facebook Insights | Free Facebook Audit Tool

Wondering what a Facebook Audit means? Then read on to get the answer to your question. Even with a platform like TikTok, Snapchat, and LinkedIn available, Facebook still retains the spot of the number one social media platform when it comes to business tools and social media audits. Whether you believe or not, marketing on Facebook is not just something you do once in a while. To be successful in the marketing business on the world’s largest social media platform requires strategy, time, and patients. And for that reason, conducting a periodical Facebook audit to ensure that you are heading in the right direction and generating the highest ROI possible is very necessary.
In case you are not fully sure of what media audit is, let me enlighten you about it. Social Media audit is a series of steps taken to evaluate and optimize a business’s social media profiles and strategies. Performing a social media audit can aid you with your eCommerce businesses and keep you on top of their online presence. With that, if you deal with your business on Facebook, you should know that a Facebook audit is very necessary.
Facebook Audit
Facebook Audit
There are lots of important reasons for using Facebook for your business instead of other social media platform. most people who compared social media platforms fit for business confirmed that Facebook is the number one for doing business. Below are the reasons why Facebook is the best and Facebook Audit is necessary:
  • Millions of businesses have used Facebook, and are still using Facebook to transform their businesses.
  • As a local business individual, you can make use of Facebook to book an appointment directly
  • As a brand, you get to connect with all your audiences all the time via Facebook page
  • For a personal page, Facebook would help you build your followers in one place.
In other to make a great impact, it is best that you perform a periodic Facebook page audit. With all these features available for the Facebook page, they should at least tell you that using Facebook gives you the best reason to perform an audit. If you would need to revise your marketing strategy once in a while, you would also be required to go through your social media audit too.
Reasons For Using Facebook Audit
Auditing your Facebook is often the first step. Auditing is a simple step that needs to be taken really seriously. An easy way to perform a Facebook Audit is to create a Facebook audit checklist. Although the checklist might vary based on the kind of business you are into. The idea is that you should be able to improve your social media KPIs.
Here are some questions to ask yourself if you are looking for a reason for using Facebook Audit:
  • Is the traffic generated by my Facebook page enough?
  • How does the engagement on my Facebook page compares to that of the ones on my competitors?
  • What contents are more popular in the last six months?
  • What kind of post receives maximum engagement?

Tools to Help You Perform A Quick Audit

Below I would be giving you some important tools to help you perform a quick audit on your Facebook page. These tools are really helpful especially when you are just in the initial phase of the social media conversation with your boss or client.

Free Facebook Audit Tool 

Free audit tool, you can do a quick audit competitive analysis with any of your rivals.  Enter you and your competitor’s URL. And Immediately, you would get a comparison of your performance compared to your competitor’s Facebook page performance.
This tool covers about 28 days of data. It shows how many fans were added within the last 28 days and their country’s breakdown. This tool also gives you a deeper look into some other activities.
Social Bakers
Social Bakers’ free Facebook audit tool is recognized to be more suited for competitive analysis. Enter your Facebook URL and that of your competitor. Or enter your brand name and select one from the suggestion. Then they would request your personal details before sending you the final report via your email in a designed PDF Format.

Facebook Insights

According to reviews and the way Facebook Insight works, no other Audit tool can be compared to its functionality. Facebook insight offers you more details concerning your sight compared to other Audit tools. It is Facebook’s personal data so you should expect more. Plus it even gives you everything concerning Fans analysis.
With Facebook insights, you can check the total reach, total page views, video views, and how many people viewed your content. The period of data to check has no limit. You can view your data from the day you started.
The only problem you might encounter is that Facebook insight does not help you perform a competitive Audit.
There are some other Facebook Audit tools you can make use of aside from the two that are listed above.

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