Monday 7 September 2020

Facebook and Tinder Connection | FB Connection with Tinder

Facebook and Tinder Connection | FB Connection with Tinder: There are many online dating apps out there, but Tinder is still number one. While a match can lead to a fun and meaningful encounter, you’re also likely to bump into a fake profile or two.

Most Tinder users already anticipate this. So, they’re ready to do a little Facebook profile investigation when unsure if the person they’re talking to is who they say they are.

But how do you go about doing that? In this article, we’ll cover the methods of finding someone from Tinder on Facebook.

Use the Info You Have

Searching for the Facebook profile of a Tinder match doesn’t have to be only about verifying their identity.

It can also be about you liking that person and wanting to know more about them before you talk to them in person. And Facebook tends to be a gold mine when it comes to all the personal stuff.


There are clues to pay attention to. So, how to find someone from Tinder on Facebook? You have to work with what you have. If you know their first name and age, that’s a start. But it will in no way be enough.

Check their Tinder for listed places of work or schools they attend. If they’ve listed where they are from, that will be of immense help. Now, when you’re on Facebook, don’t just pile all that info at once. That’s probably not going to provide any result.

Tinder Facebook

The Common Connection


Another way to approach this search is to check if you have any shared connections on Tinder. If you do, you will see the person or persons under their profile.

You are likely friends with that person on Facebook already, so you can check their profile and see if the person you’re looking for is in their posts or friends list. Often, this is the quickest way to find someone’s Facebook profile.

Find Tinder User on Facebook

No Guarantees


The success of your search will rely not only on your detective skills but also on the Facebook privacy settings of the person you’re trying to find.

If they have a completely private profile, people who are not on their list of friends can’t even see their profile picture. If that is the case, you’re out of luck.


But even if they have less restricted privacy settings, it all depends on what type of information they’ve decided to make public.

It could be something you already know, so you might be able to find their profile easily. Or it could be something you don’t know about, so it won’t matter.


You’ll have the best chance of finding someone from Tinder on Facebook if their profile is completely public, and they have a lot of personal information listed.

It also helps if they’re active on Facebook and post frequently. But as you can tell, there are no guarantees whatsoever.

Someone who is private and guarded online will make sure their social media profiles aren’t easy to find. And people who love to share their lives online usually have public social media profiles.

You Can Ask Them

There are ways to find someone’s Facebook profile when you have several pieces of information from Tinder. It’s not always going to work, but it might.

However, there’s another way to go about this without all the behind-the-scenes operation. If you’re curious about someone you’ve just met on Tinder, you can ask for their Facebook profile.

If they say no, that’s probably a sign you shouldn’t go looking for it anyway. And if they say yes, that will save you a lot of time. And it’s likely to create a more transparent communication.

Googling someone or searching for their Facebook profile before you meet them in person is not an uncommon behavior, that’s for sure. But it doesn’t mean that you have to do it.

The Tinder/Facebook Connection

Most Tinder users already have a Facebook profile. You can create a Tinder profile without Facebook, but it’s going to take more effort.

When you register with Facebook, all of your data, including your profile picture, if you want to, is transferred to Tinder automatically.

So, naturally, when you match someone on Tinder, you might assume that they have a Facebook profile.

But it might turn out that they don’t have one. And that doesn’t make them any less real and shouldn’t be the reason you question their identity.

Tinder User on Facebook

Pros and Cons of Facebook Investigations

There are many reasons you should try to find a Facebook profile of someone from Tinder. Do you feel anxious or a bit awkward when first meeting someone new?

Knowing a few little details about them can help the conversation flow better and will give you a little confidence boost. If you’re going to dig for information, it’s best to use it in a positive way, not as ammunition to start arguments.

On the other hand, learning too much about someone before you meet them can lead to unrealistic expectations. Data is just data, and it can’t create chemistry between people, no matter how often it seems otherwise.

Treading Carefully in the World of Online Dating

Online dating can be great, but it’s in no way simple. There’s also the feeling of never knowing if you’re talking to someone real.

It’s so easy to decide to use Facebook to find someone you met on Tinder. And you’re going to be successful if you have some starting information or a mutual friend. Some times you won’t succeed, and that’s OK too. And if you’re still curious, ask them.

Have you ever found a Tinder user on Facebook before? Did you like what you saw on their profile? Let us know in the comments section.

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