Sunday 30 August 2020

How to Pay With Facebook Marketplace Pay – Facebook Marketplace | Facebook Pay

 Do you know how to pay with Facebook marketplace pay? If you don’t know-how and you would love to know how then don’t stop reading this content as this content is specially made for you.

How to Pay With Facebook 

How to Pay With Facebook Marketplace Pay

The Facebook platform as we all know is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world if not the best. In this social media platform, users cannot only chat and communicate with friends and family. There is a whole lot more to the platform that actually meets the eye. On this platform, users can play games, stream live videos, and even buy and shop amongst other things.

The Facebook marketplace works in a similar fashion as other online marketplaces you know about. The only difference with this one is that it is imbibed in the Facebook platform itself. Therefore in order to make use of it you need to be a registered Facebook user. You need to own a Facebook account, in order to make use of the Facebook marketplace. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you need to create one today. Creating a Facebook account is easy. All you need to od to successfully create an account on the Facebook platform is to go to on your internet-enabled device. Follow the prompt on this page to successfully create your account on the platform.

Facebook Pay

Facebook pay is Facebook’s official payment system. This platform works in a similar fashion as PayPal and remita. With this Facebook tool, users can now send and receive money from other Facebook users. This tool and the new feature of the Facebook platform is really cool. But do you know that as cool as it is, it is not yet available to all Facebook users? This tool is only available to Facebook users in the US. With this tool, you can now pay for items purchased across all of Facebook platforms. You can shop in the Facebook marketplace with Facebook pay. You can also pay for games, event tickets, and also participate in fundraising events.

Steps in Paying With Facebook Pay on Facebook Marketplace

The steps required in paying with this tool on the marketplace are simple and easy. Firstly before you can use this tool to pay on the marketplace, you need to first set it up on your account. To do this, follow the steps below;

  • Go to Settings on your account.
  • Select Facebook pay.
  • Add a payment method.
That’s all, you are now set to start making use of this tool. This tool supports major debit and credit cards as well as PayPal. Normally when you purchase an item on the Facebook marketplace, you will be required to message the seller directly on how to process payments, but with this tool, you can now choose to use Facebook pay if the seller agrees. It is now more an additional option.

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