Monday 31 August 2020

How do I Post a Pin on Pinterest | Pin Post To Pinterest

How do I Post a Pin on Pinterest: The hottest talk of social media is now Pinterest, I bet you don’t know this platform, well this is a platform that serves as a form of repository which allows users to save certain things of interest to you.
Some users just hear of Pinterest and ignorantly opened an account on the platform without checking out how to do certain things on it, in today’s article we will show you how you can easily pin things on Pinterest, when we say Pin we mean Pin to the wall, save it so you can access it easily as quick as possible.
How do I Post a Pin on Pinterest Yourself
If you have pictures on your computer or mobile device that you’d like to pin on Pinterest, maybe a set of pics from your holiday or weekend event that you’d like to share and you are confused by how best to do so? Look no further, check out this step-by-step process of pinning a picture from your computer.
  • If you own a Pinterest account which you must to pin pictures, Log into Pinterest
  • Click on “add”, this will be found in the top hand corner
  • This will pop up the ADD icon which reads, “add a pin, upload a pin or create a board.” To share a picture from your computer, you need to click on “upload a pin”
 Check Out: Facebook Like Icon
  • Next, you will be prompted to “browse” the files of your computer or mobile device.
  • Once you pick the image file you want, a thumbnail version of the picture will appear. Next to it, a list of your pin boards will be available in a drop down pane with a download facing arrow, click this arrow to reveal the drop-down menu and choose the board to which you’d like to pin your picture.
  • Afterwards, add a description of the picture.
  • Then click, the red “Pin it” button.
  • That’s it. You’ve pinned the image on your Pinterest account, go back to your Pin Board to see your well-crafted pin.
Recommended Read: Facebook Log in Sign up
How to post Someone else’s Pin on Pinterest (Repinning) 
Do you discover an amazing Pin on someone else’s board which you would absolutely like to save, follow these steps to pin it own your own board
  • Log into Pinterest
  • Instead of going to your pin boards, stay on the home page by clicking or typing it in the address field of the browser
  • Scroll through all of the pictures and click on the one you like
  • Place your cursor over the enlarged image.
  • This will reveal two buttons in the top left hand corner. One labeled “repin”, the other “like”.
  • Click on the “repin” choice. This will allow you to pin the picture to one of your boards.
  • When you click on “repin”, again you will be presented with a drop-down of all of your pin boards. Choose the pin board to which you’d like to add the picture.
  • You can also modify the description here.
  • Lastly, click “pin it”
This is how easy it is to Pin things on Pinterest, I do hope you enjoy your time on the platform.

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