Saturday 29 August 2020

Facebook Ads Manager – Where is Facebook Ads Manager Located | How to Create Facebook Ads

 Facebook Ads manager can be defined as a tool on Facebook where the advertiser can manage their ads. With this tool; they can: Create and run their own ads on Facebook, Target their ads directly to the people they want to reach. Also, Set up their ad budget, Monitor the performance of their ad and See their billing and payment history. Read on to find out more.

 Facebook Ads Manager

Fb Ads Manager

Fb ads manager is a great used for managing all your ads on the platform. It can seem a bit intimidation at first glance but don’t worry much because it is not as hard as it seems. I will be giving you a guide on how you can create an ad account from the page and how you can set up your ad.

Where is Fb Ads Manager Located?

You can find your ad manager from your Fb business page, click on the drop-down arrow at the top of the page.  And select Manage Ads from the menu. You would then be directed to your Ad Accounts page, where an overview of the all Ad accounts summary will appear. Choose the Ad Account you would like to use or you can simply create an account if you do not have by following the guides below;

  • Click on Ad accounts, select Add new Ad Accounts and then click on Create New account.
  • On the Create Ad Account form that will be displayed on the page, type in the Name of the Ad account. The person or company you are advertising on behalf of, Time zone of the place, Currency being used and the payment method of the account. And then click on Create Ad Account.
  • Once the account has been created, you would have to add four people to the account and assign each person to a role.

How to Create Facebook Ads – Using Ad Manager

Creating and running ads on Fb can be quite sophisticated but with the right goals or objectives, you would be able to run a very successful ad on the site. To set up follow the simple instructions below:

  1. Select the Ad Objective

Before setting up your ad on Fb, you would need to select the objective of the campaign. The objective is starting the ad so it is important because Facebook uses the objective you choose to determine the other elements of the Ad campaign. They include; Brand Awareness, Local Awareness, Reach. Also, Traffic, Engagement, App Installs, Video Views, Lead Generation, Conversions, Product Catalog Sales, Store Traffic and  Messages.

  1. Give The Campaign a Name.
  2. Set up Audience targeting

When targeting audience, consider the following:

  • Make the ads visible to the visitors you have had on the site except for your customers.
  • Reach out the ad to similar people who have on converted on the business or brand site before.
  • Target individuals who are educated, who have their own homes, get their own money and they are in the area you are located too.
  • People who are using mobile devices and they leave within ten miles from your own location.
  • Target people in your Demographic area who also online.
  • Make it known to the people that haven’t seen the ad campaign before.
  1. Select Ad Placement.
  2. Set up the Campaign bidding, budget, and schedule.
  3. Create the ad campaign with the format you want to for the ad.
  4. Place the order.

Once you place the order of the campaign, Facebook will review it to make sure it obliged to the Policies of their Community. Then it would be made Live once it complies with the terms needed. You can monitor the performance of the ad campaign from your Fb Ads Manager.

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