Friday 12 February 2021

Facebook Marketplace Near Me | Marketplace App on Facebook



Facebook is a very good platform to market your business. Small scale business owners can grow their goods or products through Facebook to reach out to millions of users on the Facebook platform that is interested in the goods they are marketing. If you want to grow your business online, the Facebook market is a good place for that. Read on to find out more.


Facebook Market

Facebook market is a place on the Facebook platform where different users buy and sell goods or products for free to the interested persons. This content will be showing you all you need to know about the Facebook mark and how you can manage and grow your business on Facebook.
Facebook is a social networking platform that lets you share and upload your status updates, maintain a friend list and also post your photographs and video clips on the platform. You can also buy and sell locally on the Facebook market place app. Watch fun and short videos for free and chat live with video. Get notified when your post is liked or commented on. You can share and connect with friends from any part of the world. Creating a Facebook account is very easy and free, both the high and less technical people can use the Facebook app because it is a user-friendly platform.

Facebook Account Sign Up

One must have a Facebook account and a page to be able to market their goods or products on the Facebook platform. You can sign up for a Facebook account through the Facebook website at or Facebook app on your device. Follow the steps below;
  • On the Facebook sign up page, fill in your surname, first name. Then your email address or your mobile number and then create a new password.
  • Select your birthday and indicate your gender by clicking on male or female.
  • Then hit on the “Sign up” tab.
A verification mail will be sent to your email, confirm the account by tapping on the link forwarded to you. Or you can write down the code sent to your mobile number on the text box displayed and click verify.

Facebook Login – How To Login To Facebook

You can log in to your Facebook account if you already own an account on the platform. Use your device browser and go to or use the Facebook app. Follow the instructions below;
  • Fill in your mobile number or email address and password on the sign-in page.
  • Then tap on “Log in”.
If the login details are right, the account will be loaded on your device.

Facebook Business Page

Creating a page on the Facebook platform is like having your own website on the internet. The Facebook page you will create a page where other users can find your business, then learn more things about your business and eventually connect with you. Creating a page is quite simple. Follow the steps below;
  • Open your Facebook account and tap on the drop-down icon on the upper right side and click “Create the page”.
  • Fill in the basic info concerning your business including your page name, the page category, your addresses and also your cell phone number.
  • Add the profile picture and cover photo of the page.
  • Set up and add more info like the description, contact information, location and many more.
  • Edit the selections you want to be displayed on your page.
  • You can add collaborations if the page is teamwork.
  • Then share your first post.
After creating the page, you can invite your friends to like the page.
Facebook Marketplace – How to Buy and Sell
Facebook marketplace is a great digital market for buying and selling goods and services on the platform. The marketplace has different categories of items that can be sold online. Vehicles, clothing & accessories, etc can all be sold on the app. Selling is free. All you need is to make a post on the item you wish to sell.
To sell an item, open the marketplace app and hit on “Sell something”. Then tap on “Item for sale”. Include a title, location, price and also the category the item falls into. Add images of the product and a brief description. Then hit on “Post when you’re done to make it public. Interested buyers would contact you via message or call if your contact is provided.

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