Tuesday 2 February 2021

Facebook Dating Login Online | Facebook Dating Update



Facebook Dating is the newest addition to the dating app universe, and it's got a handful of cool features to try out. Chances are, if you're interested in meeting people on the social media behemoth, you might've tried it out as soon as it launched. But if Facebook Dating isn't showing up for you, don't worry — there might be an easy solution.

If you can't find Facebook dating, then it's likely due to one of these two reasons: you aren't using the Facebook app, or you're under 18. To be fair, if you're under 18, there's not much to be done about that. If you're 18 or older, though, all you have to do is download the Facebook app (or make sure your Facebook app has downloaded the most recent update) to access Facebook dating.

Your dating profile is separate from your Facebook profile, to be clear. In a Facebook Dating press release provided to Bustle, the "How It Works" section reads in part,

Facebook Dating isn't about swiping or having to wait for someone to like you to get a first chance at reaching out. If you are interested in someone, you can comment directly on their profile or tap on the Like button to let them know. If you aren’t interested, you can pass on them. Facebook Dating allows you to match with friends of friends and/or people not in your friend circle. Facebook Dating won’t match you with friends, unless you choose to use Secret Crush and you both add each other to your list.

One of the interesting aspects of Facebook Dating is that your dating profile won't be shared to your Facebook profile. What's more, your dating profile won't be limited by who your Friends are on the social networking site. Rather, your "suggested" profiles (AKA people that Facebook thinks you might want to reach out to) will be based off of your interests, preferences, and other things you do on Facebook.

The privacy settings included in Facebook Dating might spark your interest, as well. First, Facebook Dating is opt-in only, which means that you only join the network if you actively choose to; and if you don't want to join Facebook Dating, Facebook will not create any sort of dating profile to connect to your regular profile on your behalf. The press release for Facebook Dating reads,

If you do create a Facebook Dating profile, only your first name and your age will come with you from your Facebook profile. For all other information, such as your gender identity, who you are interested in, photos and more, you choose whether to share it on your Dating profile. You can also choose how you want to present yourself to potential matches, like whether you provide different information than you have on your Facebook profile, and if you share details such as your hometown, religion, occupation and more within Dating.


Another nifty little aspect of Facebook Dating is that you can choose whether your friends of Facebook friends can be suggested as matches, or whether you want even more distance between your dating world and your regular profile world. So even if you use Facebook Dating, you can rest assured that your boss won't see your Dating profile ever, unless you want them to. The same goes for your nosy family friends. What a relief.

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