Tuesday 5 July 2016

Six (6) Latest Technologies Changing The Future Of Food In Our World Today [Photos]

As we all know, food production, processing and transportation has posed a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions we have today, and at the same time large amount of food are wasted year by year in some parts of our world today, while other regions suffer from shortages as the case may be. Nevertheless, agricultural engineers and scientists are working hand-in-hand very hard to increase food production, create cleaner agricultural processes and develop greener packaging all around the world. Recently, with technological advancements, it will be possible to sharply reduce carbon emissions from the agriculture and food industries while simultaneously addressing food supply issues as well.

In this post are the six (6) technologies:-

  The Vertical Indoor Farms That Will Easily Create Local Produce
The Vertical Indoor Farms That Will Easily Create Local Produce

The Vertical Indoor Farms That Will Easily Create Local Produce
Presently as the climate changes spurs fits of droughts and flooding in different areas our world, agriculture has become a much more tenuous industry today. Thus, the most exciting alternative we will have is typically the rise of indoor farming, which will in turn brings hydroponic warehouses to urban centers and brings higher food production all around the world, as well as reduced costs and environmental impacts related to transportation as well.

 The 3D food printing Which Will In-turn Cut Down On Labour (Foodini Maker)
The 3D food printing Which Will In-turn Cut Down On Labour (Foodini Maker)

The 3D food printing Which Will In-turn Cut Down On Labour (Foodini Maker)
As we all know the science fiction movies have long imagined a food future in such  way that meals could magically appear at the immediate press of a button. Hmmm, if i may say we are still far from that any way, but i may say that it will be possible to 3D-print meals using this Foodini Maker from Natural Machine. It is simple to operate, simply fill the machine with ingredients of choice and then program it that is all, and tedious time-consuming processes like filling raviolis will become a mostly hands-off chore as the case may be. The  Foodini Maker device can also build pizzas, form burger patties and even print adorable edible holiday ornaments made from chocolate, yummy!!!

The Space Garden (Green Wheel)
The Space Garden (Green Wheel)

The Space Garden (Green Wheel)
Wonderful, the definition of “Astronaut Food” will soon change, and it will change in a big unbelievable way. In our world today emerging food technologies are even looking out on ways to easily grow edible produce in space, in order to help astronauts eat a healthier diet as they carry out thier various activities in space. NASA has spent a good amount of time developing hydroponics technologies, but it was a low priority compared to actual space exploration, so the project was axed, hmmmm. Nevertheless the progress, inspired DesignLibero to then create the Green Wheel, which is a self-contained rotary garden for homeowners. There’s no telling whether the Green Wheel would successfully grow veggies in outer space, but it definitely brings a little space age technology to everyday life, great! isn't it?

The Main Biodegradable Packaging Which Is Made From Seaweed
The Main Biodegradable Packaging Which Is Made From Seaweed

The Main Biodegradable Packaging Which Is Made From Seaweed
However, when it comes to the environmental impacts of food, plastic bottles and packaging it ranks rank pretty high. Non biodegradable elements are cheap from a financial perspective, but they are very difficult and expensive to recycle. Large amounts of plastic waste escape the waste management process entirely and tend to pose a danger to wildlife in the aquatic world. this has made the Icelandic product designer Ari Jónsson to create an alternative to single-use plastic bottles using Agar, which is a jelly-like, edible substance derived from algae.

The Laboratory-Grown Meat Which Will Saves Land And Water
The Laboratory-Grown Meat Which Will Saves Land And Water
The Laboratory-Grown Meat Which Will Saves Land And Water
As we all know, meat has been hot topic to discuss especially when it comes to issues relating to global discussions about the environmental impact of food, largely because of the resources required to raise livestock. For example, it takes about 441 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef, and the same amount of meat produces the equivalent of 22.3 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to climate change at an alarming rate. This has lead some groups of food scientists in the Netherlands to work on a controversial solution which is the Laboratory-Grown Meat, also known as “Invitro meat”. The process involves culturing muscle grown from actual cow stem cells is laced together in layers in a round mold to become what advocates are touting as an ethical beef burger. The process is complicated and extremely expensive. Despite the expenses, it still holds a promising future of food

Much More Productive Crops Which Will Fight World Hunger
Much More Productive Crops Which Will Fight World Hunger

Much More Productive Crops Which Will Fight World Hunger
Today, addressing world hunger seems like a natural aim for food production technology, and some biologists may think that mutant corn might be the right answer to this issue. Scientists have finally found a way to exploit a natural genetic mutation and then cross-breed mutated corn with traditional corn crops to produce larger ears of corn, without changing any other aspects of the corn itself. From the above picture, the result is an increase in crop yield of up to 50 percent. Although the breakthrough hasn’t yet been tested outside the laboratory, scientists are already looking into ways to harness similar genetic mutations in other staple crops such as wheat and rice that could lead to increases in crop output.

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