Tuesday 5 July 2016

The Built-In Cast Option to Chrome Browser For Desktop

The Built-In Cast Option to Chrome Browser For Desktop
Just of recent, Google has started rolling out a Built-In Cast option for its Chrome 51. All one has to do is to right click a tab or click the hamburger button on the right-hand part of the Chrome 51 desktop browser to find a line in the menu that says "Cast...". Well it doesn't mean that the old extension is totally useless, though you don't need it to beam anything to your Chromecast anymore, but one could still use it as a shortcut as the case may be. However, it looks like the feature is not yet available for everyone, even those with up-to-date Chrome browsers. If you notice that you don't have access to it, you may want to hold off on uninstalling the extension and checking your menus every now and then, you might be lucky!!!

Six (6) Latest Technologies Changing The Future Of Food In Our World Today [Photos]

As we all know, food production, processing and transportation has posed a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions we have today, and at the same time large amount of food are wasted year by year in some parts of our world today, while other regions suffer from shortages as the case may be. Nevertheless, agricultural engineers and scientists are working hand-in-hand very hard to increase food production, create cleaner agricultural processes and develop greener packaging all around the world. Recently, with technological advancements, it will be possible to sharply reduce carbon emissions from the agriculture and food industries while simultaneously addressing food supply issues as well.

In this post are the six (6) technologies:-

New Quartz Disk To Resolve Memory Problems/Issues Forever

In case you don't know, the next dude to take over the flash drives will be this this Quartz Minidisk shown in the picture above. However it is not just the shape that makes this little technology special, but  it is its amazing ability of storing up to 360TB (terabytes) of memory! Wao that is absolutely large isn't it?

China Finishes Building World Largest Single-Aperture Telescope (FAST)

China Finishes Building World Largest Single-Aperture Telescope (FAST)
China Finishes Building World Largest Single-Aperture Telescope (FAST)
As we all know, for the past fifty-three (53 yrs) years now,  the Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory has ever been the king of radio telescopes as the case may be. Well as it may be it  is no more again, sorry to say. Recently, China has just finished the construction of its Five hundred (500M) meter Aperture Spherical Telescope in acronym also known as (FAST), which is roughly sixty-four (64%) percent larger than the Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory, thus making it the worlds largest single-aperture telescope ever built, However, the world's largest radio telescope is situated in Russia, which is known as the Russia's RATAN-600.
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